Digital Repository Of Antisemitic Narratives

This digital Repository is a compilation of selected examples of antisemitic narratives collected for educational purposes in the frames of the HANNAH project. Project partners from Germany, Greece, Poland, and Serbia identified the following categories: Old anti-Jewish stereotypes and myths, Far-Right extremism, Islamist extremism, Antisemitism and Israel, Holocaust denial and distortion, Antisemitism in traditional and online media, Contemporary conspiracy theories, Visual representation of Antisemitism, and Antisemitism specific for a particular country, and proposed examples of some of the antisemitic narratives typical for those categories.

It is important to emphasize that this Repository does not represent a collection of “all antisemitic narratives.” Still, the proposed examples show that antisemitism exists today in various European societies despite different historical and social circumstances. Some antisemitic narratives are similar, and some are more specific and local.

The Repository is an add-on that complements other HANNAH educational products in its current format. The Repository invites users to think about specific debunking responses to examples of various antisemitic narratives by proposing a range of possible activities. The idea is that users should focus on their local realities and think about the potential responses aimed to debunk and counter various forms of antisemitism.

Some examples:

Abusing History

Category: Antisemitism & Israel
Tags: (Child-killer), (Jewish Collective),

4. Antisemitism and Israel

The Israelis today are behaving like the Nazis did in the past. In General, criticism of Israel is often charged with antisemitic stereotypes and draws comparisons to National Socialism. Typical characteristics are the reversal of perpetrators and victims and the negation of Israel’s right to exist. The claim that Israel deliberately murders children or commits a genocide against the Palestianians is a popular tactic for delegitimizing the Jewish state and falls back to old antisemitic stereotypes like the blood libel and the topos of an imagined “collective Jew”. In General, criticism of Israel is often charged with antisemitic stereotypes and draws comparisons to National Socialism. Typical characteristics are the reversal of perpetrators and victims and the negation of Israel’s right to exist. The claim that Israel deliberately murders children or commits a genocide against the Palestianians is a popular tactic for delegitimizing the Jewish state and falls back to old antisemitic stereotypes like the blood libel and the topos of an imagined “collective Jew”.

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Greed, Money-lending and Usuary

Category: Old anti-Jewish stereotypes & myths
Tags: (Greed – Money and Usury), (Jewish Power), (Stereotypes),


Since the 12th century, religious myths (Jews as deicides) have been complemented with economic stereotypes. Jews were described as rich and rampant as well as “money-lenders”, “bargainers” and “usurers” – a view still commonplace today. Excluded from land ownership, agriculture, and the Christian merchants’ and handicrafts guilds, Jews were increasingly limited to the small trade, peddler and junk trade. The money trading with interest played a special role, which according to church dogmatics violated divine doctrine and remained forbidden to Christians.

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“Jews Control Politics And Media” And Are To Blame For Current Global Problems

Category: Contemporary conspiracy theories
Tags: (Jewish Power), (Nationalism - Populism), (Scapegoating),


A flyer that was distributed in a tram in Cologne asked the rhetorical questions “Do we really only have a Corona problem? Or don’t we actually have predominantly a Jew-problem?” while listing Angela Merkel as a Jewess of Polish origin connected to B’nai B’rith, Jens Spahn as “gay Jew” connected to the Bilderberg conference, Heiko Maas as a Jew and leading censor and Christian Drosten as pro-government virologist and Jew “according to his phenotype”. It closes with the words that “the more Jews in politics and media, the worse the conditions”.

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The 2019 Halle Synagogue Attack

Category: Far-Right extremism
Tags: (Conspiracy), (Far-right – Neonazis), (Violence – Vandalism),


The German far-right extremist Stephan Balliet (born in 1992) who perpetrated the terrorist attack on the synagogue in Halle (Saale) and murdered and injured several bystanders, believed in an antisemitic version of the narrative of the “Great Replacement”. For him the Jews are the driving force behind the mass-migration of Muslims and black people to Europe and North America that are allegedly replacing the white people and perpetrating a “genocide on the white race”.

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