Digital Repository Of Antisemitic Narratives

This digital Repository is a compilation of selected examples of antisemitic narratives collected for educational purposes in the frames of the HANNAH project. Project partners from Germany, Greece, Poland, and Serbia identified the following categories: Old anti-Jewish stereotypes and myths, Far-Right extremism, Islamist extremism, Antisemitism and Israel, Holocaust denial and distortion, Antisemitism in traditional and online media, Contemporary conspiracy theories, Visual representation of Antisemitism, and Antisemitism specific for a particular country, and proposed examples of some of the antisemitic narratives typical for those categories.

It is important to emphasize that this Repository does not represent a collection of “all antisemitic narratives.” Still, the proposed examples show that antisemitism exists today in various European societies despite different historical and social circumstances. Some antisemitic narratives are similar, and some are more specific and local.

The Repository is an add-on that complements other HANNAH educational products in its current format. The Repository invites users to think about specific debunking responses to examples of various antisemitic narratives by proposing a range of possible activities. The idea is that users should focus on their local realities and think about the potential responses aimed to debunk and counter various forms of antisemitism.

Some examples:

Equating The Bombing Of German Cities With The Holocaust

Category: Antisemitism specific for your country
Tags: (Far-right – Neonazis), (Holocaust Denial/Distortion), (Nationalism - Populism),


The German right-wing party NPD and other right-wing organizations speak of the bombing of Dresden and other German cities during World War II as “Bombenholocaust”, meaning Holocaust by bombs. This is meant to equate those bombings with the Shoah in order to diminish the singularity of this crime against humanity and absolve the perpetrators of it.

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Abusing History

Category: Antisemitism & Israel
Tags: (Child-killer), (Jewish Collective),

4. Antisemitism and Israel

The Israelis today are behaving like the Nazis did in the past. In General, criticism of Israel is often charged with antisemitic stereotypes and draws comparisons to National Socialism. Typical characteristics are the reversal of perpetrators and victims and the negation of Israel’s right to exist. The claim that Israel deliberately murders children or commits a genocide against the Palestianians is a popular tactic for delegitimizing the Jewish state and falls back to old antisemitic stereotypes like the blood libel and the topos of an imagined “collective Jew”. In General, criticism of Israel is often charged with antisemitic stereotypes and draws comparisons to National Socialism. Typical characteristics are the reversal of perpetrators and victims and the negation of Israel’s right to exist. The claim that Israel deliberately murders children or commits a genocide against the Palestianians is a popular tactic for delegitimizing the Jewish state and falls back to old antisemitic stereotypes like the blood libel and the topos of an imagined “collective Jew”.

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Dismissing The Truth Of The Nazi Concentration Camps

Category: Holocaust denial & distortion
Tags: (Conspiracy), (Holocaust Denial/Distortion), (Jewish Power),


With the help of pseudo-scientific expert opinions, the feasibility of mass murder in Nazi concentration camps is doubted. Holocaust deniers argue, for example, that no residues of poison gas were found in the gas chambers or that the crematoria in Auschwitz were far too small for mass cremation of corpses. Holocaust deniers like David Irving argue that there is no proof for gas chambers in Auschwitz.

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Displaying (Neo) Nazi Symbols And Portraits Of Prominent Fascist Ideologues

Category: Visual representation of Antisemitism
Tags: (Far-right – Neonazis), (Holocaust Denial/Distortion), (Nationalism - Populism),

Rad Football Fans

The glorification of Nazi ideology is sometimes present on the stands of Serbian football stadiums. The supporter of the football club Rad from Belgrade in particular are known for using Nazi symbols. These “football fans” often display flags with the “Celtic cross,” the “SS Totenkopf” symbol, as well as banners with the image of Dimitrije Ljotić, a Serbian fascist politician and ideologue who established the Yugoslav National Movement (Zbor) in 1935 and collaborated with German occupation authorities during World War II.

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