Digital Repository Of Antisemitic Narratives

This digital Repository is a compilation of selected examples of antisemitic narratives collected for educational purposes in the frames of the HANNAH project. Project partners from Germany, Greece, Poland, and Serbia identified the following categories: Old anti-Jewish stereotypes and myths, Far-Right extremism, Islamist extremism, Antisemitism and Israel, Holocaust denial and distortion, Antisemitism in traditional and online media, Contemporary conspiracy theories, Visual representation of Antisemitism, and Antisemitism specific for a particular country, and proposed examples of some of the antisemitic narratives typical for those categories.

It is important to emphasize that this Repository does not represent a collection of “all antisemitic narratives.” Still, the proposed examples show that antisemitism exists today in various European societies despite different historical and social circumstances. Some antisemitic narratives are similar, and some are more specific and local.

The Repository is an add-on that complements other HANNAH educational products in its current format. The Repository invites users to think about specific debunking responses to examples of various antisemitic narratives by proposing a range of possible activities. The idea is that users should focus on their local realities and think about the potential responses aimed to debunk and counter various forms of antisemitism.

Some examples:

The Neonazi Party “Golden Dawn” And Konstantinos Plevris’ Antisemitic Book

Category: Far-Right extremism
Tags: (Far-right – Neonazis), (Public Space),


“The Führer of the German Reich, the visionary of New Europe, together with Eva Braun, committed suicide at 15:30 on April 30, 1945. On this very day, thirty-eight years later, we, the Greek national-socialists will stand straight, profering the eternal greeting and keep a minute’s silence. In our hearts the faith in Führer’s words will flare up and within one or two generations justice will be rendered. In our hearts the faith in victory is festering. The victory will be ours. This victory will mark the national-socialist cosmogony as well as the crash of the poisoner of all peoples, the international Judaism. The fight goes on, the future is ours.”

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“Jews Seek Global Domination”

Category: Contemporary conspiracy theories
Tags: (Jewish Power), (Nationalism - Populism),


“Jews are members of a secret global elite that aims at achieving world domination”
Two common contemporary conspiracy theories serve this stereotype: 1) ZOG/ Zionist Occupied Government is an antisemitic political catchphrase of the extreme right that denotes a government that is supposedly ruled by Jews. The term takes up the old conspiracy ideology of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” that wealthy Jews would conspire to establish a world government.

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Antisemitism And The Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories

Category: Contemporary conspiracy theories
Tags: (Conspiracy), (Jewish Power), (Nationalism - Populism),

Dr Kon on Stake

The centuries-old stereotype that Jews spread diseases was reactivated during the coronavirus pandemic.
Dr. Predrag Kon is head of the Health-crisis Team of the Republic of Serbia in charge of efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemics. Dr. Predrag Kon is Jewish. In November 2020, a graffiti “Dr. Kon on a stake!” with the crossed-out Star of David appeared in Novi Sad. The abbreviation “Dr” was in quotation marks to indicate sarcasm, alluding that Dr. Kon is not a “real doctor.”
In a separate incident, antisemitic posters appeared on the streets of Belgrade, claiming that the pandemic was just a cover for establishing a “global Jewish government.”

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Greed, Money-lending and Usuary

Category: Old anti-Jewish stereotypes & myths
Tags: (Greed – Money and Usury), (Jewish Power), (Stereotypes),


Since the 12th century, religious myths (Jews as deicides) have been complemented with economic stereotypes. Jews were described as rich and rampant as well as “money-lenders”, “bargainers” and “usurers” – a view still commonplace today. Excluded from land ownership, agriculture, and the Christian merchants’ and handicrafts guilds, Jews were increasingly limited to the small trade, peddler and junk trade. The money trading with interest played a special role, which according to church dogmatics violated divine doctrine and remained forbidden to Christians.

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