German, Serbian, Polish and Ukrainian educators came together in Frankfurt a. M. for a HANNAH training seminar on May 20th and 21st. Participants were hosted at the beautiful new building of the Jewish Museum of Frankfurt. Working with HANNAH materials such as the Digital Repository of Antisemitic Narratives, presentations on the Jewish histories of Greece, Germany, Poland and Serbia, participants developed ideas on international projects to raise awareness and combat antisemitism.
HANNAH seminar Frankfurt a.M., 20 + 22 Mai 2022
A presentation by teacher Béatrice Busch-Frevert, showcasing her projects with students on Frankfurt’s Jewish history and against antisemitism, emphasized the importance of local commitment.

It was great to get inspired by the presentations and see the materials that we could use.
All the information we have got during the seminar is useful. Group work always gives best results. Also knowing more about antisemitic stereotypes in different countries, it’s similarity and differences, helps to understand them more and the ways how educators can explain them to the youth and get rid of them.